Everything is a Remix by Kirby Ferguson
A Fair(y) Use Tale
Throughout the video Everything is a Remix Kirby Ferguson explains the concept of copyrights and why they are so crucial in a world filled with creativity. He explains this through the idea of remixing other people's ideas and reusing them in your own work. After watching this video you realize how remixing is found everywhere, especially in music. In this video the notion of copyright and using other's ideas in order to create a remix is displayed through the famous band, Led Zeppelin. Many of their hit songs, such as Stairway to Heaven, have in fact been remixed from other band's material. Stairway to Heaven is shown to be copied from Spirit's "Taurus" after they went on tour with Spirit three years before. The fact is that Led Zeppelin did not give the credit due to the bands that they copied and never made the necessary changes to the songs to make them their own. The argument that Kirby Ferguson successfully addresses in his video is that there is in fact a way to legally copy or remix someone's work.
Unlike the video A Fair(y) Use Tale, Kirby Ferguson uses real life examples to explain the idea of copyright and remixing. Through his video he informs his audience about legally remixing someone else's work and giving credit where credit is due while portraying the idea of bands copying the sounds and rhythms of other's. On the other hand, in the video A Fair(y) Use Tale the student creators were able to show how to legally use clips from numerous Disney movies, such as The Little Mermaid and The Lion King, ultimately portraying Kirby Ferguson's idea of legally remixing. The fact that they used Disney movie clips in their video is significant due to the fact that Disney is a huge corporation that is very protective of their copyrights. Because of this, A Fair(y) Tale Use not only gives off facts about copyrights to the viewers and how it works, but displays Kirby Ferguson's idea of remixing by using many different video clips from different Disney movies.